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- Creature Gallery 10 July 2023 – A winter trip to the beach at EdenAfter finishing the studies for the semester, I went to Eden in New South Wales and hiked the beaches and mountains. Winter’s a good time – there’s a lot going on but the weather was comfortable and it wasn’t crowded. Dress appropriately. It was disturbing to see the melted signs and trail markers, having been left in the forest since 2019.
- Creature Gallery – 24 May 2023 – Townsville trip and midnight mountain climbsA couple of photos from my university trip to Townsville, the Governor’s Castle on Coronation Day, and I finally made it to the top of Flinders Peak! PS Hans Modrow has passed away. I am too young to have any idea of what he did whilst in office, but I saw his photo every time I Googled the code for alternating colour shading in
- Creature Gallery – 12 April 2023 – Mount Maroon madness!
- This week’s creatures – 10 February 2023Been a long time between posts! Here are some creatures from the last couple of months. [modula id=”7636″]
- This week’s creatures – 18 July 2022!Some of the random animals we have seen in the last couple of months! [modula id=”7391″]
- This week’s creatures – 25 March 2022 – Bandy Bandy, Stick Insect, Wasps!It’s been a while! Here are some shots. [modula id=”6556″]
- This season’s creatures – 8 November 2021 – spiders, emus, water dragons!It’s been a long time between updates! Travel restrictions have made it very difficult to go diving or hiking in gnarly places. However, we have seen some pretty random stuff on some local travels. Here are some of the highlights. [modula id=”6464″]
- This week’s creatures – 3 April 2021 – Moogerah wanderingsWe have been working hard and getting out has been difficult in the last few weeks. Here are some of the sights we have seen on our travels. [modula id=”6315″]
- This week’s creatures – 15 March 2021 – Emus, lizards, devils!It’s been a long time between posts, and in the interim, I have been focused on a lot of other projects – backyard construction, landscaping, and studies. The photos below show some of the interesting sights we have seen over the hot Brisbane summer. [modula id=”6296″]
- This week’s creatures – 30 November 2020 – Baby Currawongs, Koalas, DragonflyThere’s been a lot going on at the moment, both animal-wise, and project-wise. It’s been difficult to pin down a time to look at the shots! There was an enormous dragonfly sitting on a tree trunk in the yard, waiting for me to get a shot We have had a baby currawong bird (similar to a magpie, but less aggressive) end up in the
- This week’s creatures – 15 October 2020 – The Red Hill Ski Jump!We have been seeing a few spiders walking around on the Cootha slopes but it has generally been quiet due to the dryness and lack of rain. Hopefully we will get some proper rainfall in November, which will increase the number of animal appearances! The road below is one-way due to the crazy steepness… if we get decent snowfall in Brisbane I would strongly