It’s been a pretty crazy week – here are some of the more unusual sights.

It’s been a pretty crazy week – here are some of the more unusual sights.
Awesome news – this post was actually published on wordpress (via CMS entry) and has now magically appeared on Facebook.
What a marvellous toolbox of goodies! (Also: testing image reposting.)
Lizards are the feature image.
It’s important that the lizards make an appearance too.
This is a marvellous test. <>
Hopefully it works!
Some of the random animals we have seen in the last couple of months!
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It’s been a long time between updates!
Travel restrictions have made it very difficult to go diving or hiking in gnarly places. However, we have seen some pretty random stuff on some local travels. Here are some of the highlights.
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It’s been a long time between posts, and in the interim, I have been focused on a lot of other projects – backyard construction, landscaping, and studies.
The photos below show some of the interesting sights we have seen over the hot Brisbane summer.
[modula id=”6296″]There’s been a lot going on at the moment, both animal-wise, and project-wise. It’s been difficult to pin down a time to look at the shots!
We have had the opportunity to go out and see some of the Sunshine Coast forests. We have also found a humungous snake that crawled up into a tree and went to sleep.
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I recently entered the Queensland Conservation Council‘s annual Natural Wonders Photography competition, and won the category for Native Plants and Wildlife. I took this photo of a green turtle descending from the sea surface at Manta Bommie on Stradbroke Island – and both myself and the turtle feel very honoured to be awarded this prize.
The judges stated:
A dazzling image of a veteran sea turtle diving to the depths. The composition is perfect with the sun beaming from above and space around the image to gauge scale. The barnacles add context to the age of the turtle. An extremely strong image. Well done.
The following two photos are my other entries for the competition. For the Landscape category, I sent this photo of a full moon sinking behind the Great Dividing Range from the Scenic Rim in South-east Queensland:
For another entry to the Native Plants and Wildlife category, I submitted “You Shall Not Pass”, a photo of two huntsman spiders preparing to do battle (or worse,) on a tree branch on Mount Cootha. This is my favourite of the photos as it is technically better than the others, but is probably a little more difficult to sell to tourists.
Here are some other photos of creatures that we have seen around Brisbane in the last week.
A bit of rain coming though Brisbane has brought a lot of insect life out into the forest. The current restrictions on public events have made it difficult to organise dive trips and group walks in the evenings but we have been lucky to get out and see some of the forest friends.
The echidna was digging around looking for ants and was undisturbed by the people – must have been hungry. The dragonfly and owls have been brought out by the heavy rain. The powerful owl was watching us very closely for a potential meal… have to be very careful when walking around in the forest given current circumstances!
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