This week’s creatures: 25 May 2020 – Happy moths and angry lorikeets

Lorikeet chirps a big hello

It’s been a bit of time between updates – mainly due to inability to walk on the hill some evenings. There have been a number of birds travelling through and eating the garden’s flowers, as well as a huge number of spiders and scorpions on the slopes.

We have unfortunately had very little rain, and this is normally the rainiest time of the year. This has meant that there are typically less creatures to see in the forest, but the ones we do see are double exciting!

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This week’s creatures – 3 January 2020 – Barking Owls, Bull Rays, My Python!

Butterfly chrysalis on Mount Cootha

We have been very fortunate to have had few fire problems this week (compared to the southern states.)

We have been in the forest and sea each day and have been lucky to see these awesome creatures. With a bit of luck the weather will be kind and let the firies do their work to save the creatures and forests (and their own homes.)

The snake is the Morelia spilota mcdowelli, McDowell’s Python. What a lovely name for such a lovely creature!

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