Been a long time between posts! Here are some creatures from the last couple of months.
[modula id=”7636″]This week’s creatures – 10 February 2023

Been a long time between posts! Here are some creatures from the last couple of months.
[modula id=”7636″]It’s been a reasonably slow couple of weeks due to the dry winter, with less bird life on Mount Cootha in the evenings. We have still be fortunate to see some pretty amazing spiders and were able to get a photo of the Net Casting Spider, with enormous eyes to allow for good vision to be able to aim its web (when it hurls it at unsuspecting victims.)
We were very fortunate to get down to Byron Bay for a dive at the end of July and see the Grey Nurse Sharks. We were able to hear the humpback whale song during the dive and we also managed to see a sea eagle hunting a fish – pretty spectacular! It seems that we may not be able to return to Julian Rocks for a little while as the New South Wales – Queensland border is shut. We are going to have to head back to Stradbroke Island again soon 🙂
[modula id=”3635″]The winter creatures have arrived in force and there are now a large number of Grey Nurse Sharks circling the rocks at Byron Bay.
Visibility was a little down later in the day as choppy waves stirred up the sediment in the shallows. The temperature was 21 degrees in the deeper sections.
[modula id=”3436″]Sundive was finally allowed to start running boats again to Julian Rocks on the weekend after three months of inactivity due to Coronavirus distancing rules. I was fortunate enough to be on the top of the list for diving.
It was an absolutely spectacular day with 30 metres visibility, four divers in the water, and nobody having dived at the rocks for three months. The shot of the Cod Hole below is quite rare given that it’s unusual to have this clarity in the water.
I saw… interesting things. The boat followed my bubbles back to the mooring line, which was really very nice of the skipper!
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